Description: COROSIL – POTASSIUM SOLUTION is a Potassium Mortar based chemically setting mortar with special composition. It is resistant to oxidizing & non – oxidizing acids, chloring gas except hydrofluoric acid.
Description: COROSIL – FURAN MORTAR is a two part chemically setting furan based mortar which is impermeable in texture and resistant to a very wide range of chemicals. It is resistant to strong acids and alkalies, salt, solvents, greases, detergents and oils.
Description: COROSIL – BITUMEN MASTIC is a Bituminous Thermo curing thermoplastic material which is used as a chemical resistant membrane for brick / Tile lining purposes. It is an acid & alkali resistant Mastic.
Description: COROSIL – BITUMEN PRIMER is a Bituminous self curing thermoplastic material which is used as a chemical resistant membrane for brick / Tile lining purposes. It is an acid & alkali resistant Mastic.
Description: COROSIL – BITUMEN MASTIC is a Bituminous Thermo curing thermoplastic material which is used as a chemical resistant membrane for brick / Tile lining purposes. It is an acid & alkali resistant Mastic.
Description: COROSIL – BITUMEN MASTIC is a Bituminous Fridgex curing thermoplastic material which is used as a chemical resistant membrane for brick / Tile lining purposes. It is an acid & alkali resistant Mastic.
Description: COROSIL – SODIUM SOLUTION is a Sodium based chemically setting mortar with special composition. It is resistant to oxidizing & non – oxidizing acids, & except hydrofluoric acid and water.
Description: COROSIL – CNSL MORTAR is a based on two component system mortar which has excellent resistance against both acids, alkalies & mixed acid – alkaline solutions. It is used as a monolithic lining for construction of dilute acid storage tanks.
Description: COROSIL – SODIUM POWDER is a Sodium based chemically setting mortar with special composition. It is resistant to oxidizing & non – oxidizing acids, & except hydrofluoric acid & water.
Description: SODIUM – SUL (Sulphur Mortar) is a plasticized sulphur based compound which is mainly used with acid resistant tiles and bricks. It is highly resistant to non – oxidising acids, dilute – oxidising acids, acidic & neutral salts. The melted mortar is fluidic in nature and pours quite easily.
Description: COROSIL – VE RESIN is a two component vinyl ester mortar resistant to oxidising bleach solution acids, alkalies and solvents. It has high tensile and compressive strength.
Description: COROSIL – PE RESIN is a two component vinyl ester mortar resistant to oxidising bleach solution acids, alkalies and solvents. It has high tensile and compressive strength.
Description: BULLSUR SL – 51 ESD is a self levelling, five component epoxy resin ESD Flooring system combined with high electrical dissipation, chemical & abrasion resistant property. It is suited for automobiles, electronics, petrochemical ware-houses, server rooms, production & processing areas. It is a seamless, heavy duty flooring where forklift moment are very high & joint free finish is required. It provides high compressive strength, non dusting, easily cleanable & non slipping floor.